Friday, October 8, 2010

Should I Buy a Metal Detector?

One of the more enjoyable and profitable family hobbies is treasure hunting with a modern metal detector. It's not just the finding of old coins and lost jewelry, it's the outside fresh air and the exercise that is good for the body. Getting the whole family involved turns this exciting hobby into quality time spent with your spouse, children or grandchildren.

Many find this to be a financially rewarding hobby as well. The really big finds are not just being found by professionals. Thousands of treasure hunters have found that coin shooting can be very profitable.

Treasures of all kinds are being found: gold and silver coins, war relics, jewelry, gold nuggets, and even old rare bottles from trash dumps from the old ghost towns or home places.

With a little research you can find the old treasure stories in your area.... the old timer who buried his gold and silver coins or an outlaws hidden stash from the past. It takes research and a good metal detector to help you pinpoint the find.

If you use your detector seriously, it could easily pay itself many times over with the old coins and artifacts that you can find. Many people think that treasure hunting requires you to dig big holes to recover lost coins and jewelry. It doesn't work that way because the lost objects are not always that deep, but there are times when you know it's time to dig deep!

It's more of the decomposing leaves, sticks, and grass that make up the top soil. It takes a long, long time for items to actually sink into the ground.

A perfect example of this is hunters finding large cents and colonial coins at only a few inches deep. We consider a deep coin at about 6 - 8 inches. If the ground has not been disturbed, (top soil is there) you will sometimes get a deep detector reading which will require you to dig deeper. With most of the top brand detectors -White's, Garrett, Fisher, Tesoro, Bounty Hunter, Teknetics, Minelab, etc- that's not a problem. They have the depth capabilities for any old deep coin.

You will not regret starting this hobby. Who knows, you may even make one of those big finds!

Help promote the hobby and donate any ancient and historical finds to your local museums and societies!

The author has been using metal detectors for over 30 years and is the owner of used metal detectors

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