Friday, October 15, 2010

It Began with a Fisher

Fisher, the name that started it all. Dr. Gerhard Fisher was a German immigrant in the late 1920s. He was at first working on radio detection finders.

He found out that his invention was experiencing errors whenever it came near metallic and highly conductive, mineralized areas. With these findings, he concluded that a small portable device can be made that can be used to detect the presence of small, metallic or mineralized items buried under ground.

And after more than ten years of research and experimenting, Fisher began producing "Metallascope." The early versions were rugged yet were very easy to use metal detectors. Even so, the concept captured the interests and imaginations of people across the country, and soon after across the globe.

After a few years, sales of Fisher's inventions increased. More and more people were ordering Fisher's metal detectors.

A lot of industries found a number of uses for Fisher's Metallascope or M-Scope. The M-Scope was used by geologists to help located ores. The same equipment was used by treasure hunters.

And various utility companies found the M-Scope very useful in finding buried pipes. Likewise, lumber mills began using the M-Scope to identify which logs had imbedded metal inclusions and law enforcement agencies make good use of the device to detect the presence of abandoned or hidden weapons.

Throughout the years, the Fisher brand has remained one of the top manufacturers in the metal detector industry. Fisher has always tried to be a step ahead of its competitors. The company made sure that their products include all technical advancement possible. They also kept an open line of communication to its clients in order for the company to receive various feedback and inputs that helped them design and engineer their metal detector devices.

Among the company's more recent product offering include the 1236-X2. Fisher's 1236-X2 is a convenient and do-it-all detector that has features like fully adjustable sensitivity. The sensitivity of the 1236-X2 includes the new third derivative silencer mode which helps lessen the pops and clicks that at times can be very irritating especially in areas were trash abounds. Other features of the 1236-X2 are the iron discrimination setting, volume control and frequency control.

The Gold Bug-2 is another excellent Fisher product. The Gold Bug has already earned a name to itself. This Fisher metal detector is called the world's premier nugget hunter. Bth the original Gold Bug and the newer Gold Bug-2 incorporates extraordinary sensitivity features and ultra-high frequency transmitting and receiving devices.

Fisher also made sure that this metal detector has iron-discrimination, is dust and moisture resistant, and has audio-boosts. The rest of Fisher's family include the Coin Strike, Gemini-3, and 1212-X.

Low Jeremy maintains . This content is provided by Low Jeremy. It may be used only in its entirety with all links included.

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